Saturday, October 16, 2010


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain

Ok so I didn't find this quote on my own…I got it off of one of one of the other volunteer's blogs. But it's great isn't it? It fits rather nicely with this post. My mom might have emailed you already, but for those of you that haven't heard yet, I changed my plans for when I return home. I've decided to come home and work for a few months and then travel Europe for a month or two. I've thought about school a lot, and I think that I would be better off starting in the beginning of the year. That way I can rush and go to welcome week which will help me meet people. I'm really sad that I'm not going to be able be at school with everyone this year. I figure though that it won't make a difference once I'm there wether we're in the same class or not.

You might say I've caught the travel bug. I love being in Peru, meeting new people, and learning about the culture. I've met people from all over the world, from all different backgrounds. I've made some friends that I will probably stay in touch with for years. I've found that, at least with the volunteers here from other countries, that there's not as big of a push to go straight to college. Maybe it's because they have to decide what their going to major in before they go, but its really common to take a year or two off and work and travel. It seems like such a smart idea too. When else am I going to have this much freedom. I have no school to worry about, no family I'm taking care of, no job I need to keep. Why not go see the world? So yes, I'd have to agree with you, I have caught the travel bug…it must be contagious.
My plans at this moment are to work and save my money. Then I'll travel Europe with one or two of the girls I have met here. Lindsey lives in St. Louis (close!), and has traveled there before. She's already been planning and getting ideas ready. Jade is from New Zealand, and is the other girl who might be coming. She's been traveling South America for a few months, and in December she's going to go stay with her family In England. Hopefully we can convince her to stay there and work and then travel with us too! I'm thinking about finding a place to volunteer for a few weeks also, depending on how the time and money works out.

I've been looking into jobs for while I'm home. I haven't come up with anything concrete yet. My mom wants me to wait tables, which I think would be a great job. I know that I'm going to buckle down for a few months and work as much as I can. We'll see as the time gets closer what I can find. I've also been looking into places where I can get involved volunteering. I don't want to come home and do nothing. I would love to continue to volunteer just because it has taught me so much. I think that continuing will help to keep me grounded and not forget the things I have learned here. I would love to find a place where I can go regularly. I think it helps when you can build a relationship with the people your working with. It just makes for a better experience. If anybody has any good ideas, I would love to hear them…I'm coming up with a blank as of right now.

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