Friday, August 5, 2011

thank you

Thank you to all of you who kept Joselyn in your prayers over the past few days.  I finally got into contact with the house she is staying at and they say she is there.  You all lifted her up to the Lord, and He must have worked in her heart.  I know you are probably wondering why it took so long to get in touch with her.  So I'm going to explain.  Peru is so backwards sometimes.

I have a Peruvian cell phone.  In order to use that phone, I have to make sure it is "charged."  It turns out that yesterday my phone ran out of money, so I had to go find a place to charge it, which is just random places on the street.  Why didn't I use the house phone to call you ask?  Well, you can't call cell phones from house phones or house phones from cell phones.  So today, I went out on search for a place to recharge my phone.

I talked to the woman in charge of the house because the girls are not allowed to use the phone (but they are allowed to use the computer and leave the house for school...).  She said that Joselyn is there, but she is not allowed to have visitors.  So I will not be able to visit her again while I'm here because she is only allowed to have visitors on the weekends (which is why I couldn't just go see if she was at the house yesterday).  The woman gave me a reason as to why she can't have visitors, but with all the background noise, her rapid spanish, and my little spanish, I could not understand her.  I'm guessing it is because Joselyn was out late on the night that she was talking to me on facebook.  That night, she told me she was in a random internet cafe somewhere in her neighborhood.

Now that I know she is ok, and the frustration of a very difficult phone system is out of the way, I can breath again.  I'm sure that all of the prayers for her have something to do with her safety, and I am so grateful for them all.

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